Hey there! I'm,
Shashi Bhushan.

A Full Stack Web Developer.

I have keen interest in Creating, Designing and Building things.
🏢 Open for full-time Work Opportunity.
⚒️ Open for collaboration and side projects.

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About Me

I am a web developer that comes from Business Background. Through my past experiences, I can understand the needs of users and business requirements and how I can contribute as a Developer and help in solving their problems.
I have worked with wide range of people from different background, demographics and corporates. This has enabled me to become flexible and adapt in the workplace.


Chat App

This is developed using ChatEngine and React. It is a basic app where users can send messages in real-time, admin can create Chat Groups, delete users and add if the user exist in Chat Engine users list. Images can be shared. Credentials, username : Arjun, password : 15Arjun

  • React
  • ChatEngine

Booking App

This is a simple booking app named Targus Booking, to book hotel rooms by selecting date. Created using Reactjs, and many other external libraries of react. It has a backend hosted on heroku.

  • React

Admin App

This is a admin for hotel booking app named Targus, admin panel has multiple features of adding hotel rooms, hotels, users, maintaining recrods, sales and revenue. It is built ising react and mutiple external library and has bootstrap UI.It has a backend hosted on heroku and connected database through mongodb. Credential, Username: Arjun, password: arjun

  • React

IMDB Clone

This Project is built using Reactjs. It is using API provided by TMDB. It has used React Loading Skeleton and React Responsive Package

  • ReactJs

Portfolio App

This portfolio is buildt using NextJs and hosted on vercel, built to showcase my works and to reach upto people.

  • Nextjs


I've worked with a range of technolgies in the web development world. Ranging from Front-end to backend including databases.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js, Next.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js & Databases

  • Others

    Experience with tools like
    AWS, Postman, Netlify, GitHub & Git, Heroku & others.

Get In Touch !

✌️...Keep Coding!